Dynamostraat 46
1014 BK Amsterdam
The Netherlands
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At the MX3D facility based in Amsterdam a student team from TU Delft has developed a fully functional 3D printed stainless steel bicycle. The students designed the frame of the bicycle to demonstrate the potential of the MX3D method for 3D printing metal.
The students achieved the goal of their three-month project by printing the bicycle frame in collaboration with our MX3D engineers in Amsterdam. The bicycle was designed as part of a research project at the AMS Building Fieldlab into the viability of WAAM, Wire Arc Additive Manufacturing, a 3D printing technique based on MIG welding. The AMS Building Fieldlab is a collaboration between MX3D, TU Delft and AMS / Amsterdam Institute for Advanced Metropolitan Solutions. The collaboration focuses on the wider impact of WAAM in the city environment.
In a video about the production of the bicycle, the students prove the frame’s strength by riding it around the city of Delft. Demonstrating that it can really be used in real world conditions. It performs well on the often bumpy cobblestone streets of the city.